Who Do You Want to Help?
YOU can make a difference for people who are homeless and hungry.
Hunger is far too common in almost any community today. Whether globally or locally, there are many who are in need of the basic necessities, such as food, clothing and a place to live.
Facts about People in Need
Average weekly cost to feed a family of four
1 in 7
Households face food insecurity
Children who struggle with hunger are likely to be sick more often, to recover from illness more slowly, and to be hospitalized more frequently
How You Can Help:
Hold a collection drive for food, clothing, books, school supplies or anything people may need. Organize it with your team, scout troop or school!
Hold a bake (or anything) sale or recycle to raise money to donate to your local shelter.
Clean out your room and donate the toys you no longer play with to your local shelter or day care center.
Projects supporting ‘Kids’ are the most popular supported by Ripple Kids!
Whether they are in need or suffering from illness, our Ripple Kids love to make a difference for their peers.
Facts about Kids
1 in 5
Children struggle to have enough to eat
Children undergo treatment for cancer each year
1 in 45
Children experience homelessness in America each year.
How You Can Help:
Host a give back birthday party where your friends bring a book, toy or item of clothing for a kid who is in need.
Make cards for kids that are in the hospital.
Hold a local book drive for kids in your area.
There are so many ways you can make an impact!
The environment includes everything from the air we breathe, to the beaches or trails that we enjoy, to water and electricity conservation.
Facts about the Environment
The average American family takes home 1,500 plastic bags a year (National Resources Defense Council)
10% of the plastic produced every year worldwide winds up in the ocean and 70% of that ends up on the ocean floor where it will likely never degrade (United Nations)
A hot water faucet that leaks one drop per second can add up to 165 gallons a month. That's more water than the average person uses in two weeks!
The U.S. houses 5% of the world's population but uses 23% of the world's energy!
How You Can Help:
Organize a Beach or Trail clean up with your friends and family
Use re-useable bags for groceries and your lunch!
Whenever you see a piece of trash, pick it up and throw it away!
Helping animals is another one of the most popular causes supported by Ripple Kids!
Unfortunately, both domestic and wild animals are threatened by a number of issues, including both environmental and human generated.
Facts about Animals
7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters every year
There are 13,600 estimated animal shelters nationwide
Overpopulation – approximately 3-4 million cats and dogs must be euthanized in animal shelters every year.
How You Can Help:
If you and your family are considering adding a furry friend to your family, visit a shelter before a breeder or pet store!
Create an animal adoption awareness campaign
Host a give back birthday where your friends bring an item from a list of needs from your local shelter!