Ripple Kids

Families Forward Thanksgiving Food Drive 

3.00 hours

Posted by: mapon2014

Here's how we're taking action in our community:

We held a Thanksgiving food drive for Families Forward for three weeks. The goal was to raise food for Families Forwards Thanksgiving basket distribution. They help families enjoy a holiday dinner, like everyone else. Our food drive was throughout the 4th grade classes at Hicks Canyon Elementary School.

Here's how we got the idea:

Our idea came from a person we know who works at Families Forward. I got to help at the Families Forward school supply drive and saw that they also had food drives for people that needed help.

These are the steps we took:

First, we made poster board signs to put up in the fourth grade wing at our school announcing our food drive. Next, we spoke in front of our classes to tell them about the food drive and also sent home a flyer to all fourth grade parents. Boxes were left in each fourth grade class where kids could put their donations. The last thing we did was collect all the food and delivered it to Families Forward.

Here are some of the results:

We collected almost 350 cans of food!

One of the coolest things that happened during my project was:

We got to deliver the food to Families Forward. We also will be helping pack some of the food in the baskets so we can see our work put to action!

One of the most important things I learned was:

We learned that it is important to give back and to help people in need. It only takes a little bit of effort to make a difference!

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